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  Pediatric Walkaide  

Configured for children

The Pediatric WalkAide System is the preferred treatment option for children with Foot Drop caused by upper motor neuron injuries such as:

Cerebral Palsy (CP)
Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury
Stroke (CVA)
Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP)
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

The Pediatric WalkAide is specifically configured for children. It is programmed for each child and utilises a patented accelerometer technology to stimulate the peroneal nerve to lift the foot, promoting a more natural, balanced and efficient gait. It is a lightweight, single-unit device worn below the knee, fully operable with one hand. Children have the freedom to choose to walk with or without footwear, up and down the stair and even sidestep.

The WalkAide is adaptable to growth and rehabilitation needs of children. Early intervention can balance forces across joints and normalize stress on skeletally immature bones, reducing the abnormal physiological demands during growth.



Studies have shown that the use of FES offers benefits including:

improved walking speed
improved gait quality
reduced atrophy
improved circulation and muscle condition
may promote natural bone growth (with active muscle contraction)
may delay or prevent surgical intervention (with reciprocal inhibition of antagonist)


Clinical Evidence

US National Institutes of Health clinical results (study link) have shown that the use of the WalkAide system by children with cerebral Palsy (CP) offers significant rehabilitation benefits such as:

improved response to FES, not expected with conventional bracing
improved kinematics and range of motion
improved fatigue resistance



© Integratif Medical