Braces Weaken Muscles?
It is a myth that braces weaken muscles
without first examining how braces are worn. An average
sports enthusiast engages in some form of sports 3
to 4 times a week. During these activities, an ankle
for example, may be worn to prevent injuries but his
does not mean the ankle muscles are not activated at
all. Braces are functional; they restrict muscle movements
that have high risk of injury whilst allowing low-risk
movement high degree of freedom.
In a week, the time spent out of brace is much longer than in it. Muscles would
have more than enough stimulation and hence, the fear of muscle weakening from
wearing brace is unfounded. However, over reliance on braces for support is
not recommended as muscle strengthening is always important and should not
be substituted. It is through maintaining strong muscles and joints, that we
can enjoy better mobility and improved quality of life. |